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Comprehensive Mesothelioma Centers

Lisa Hyde-Barrett, RN Mesothelioma NurseOne may ask what happens when you arrive at a comprehensive mesothelioma center. What is the difference between a local doctor and a doctor with years of experience? First of all, a comprehensive mesothelioma center offers customized treatment for each individual. This is not a cookie cutter package where everyone has the same treatment method. Every diagnosis is unique and treated individually. A person will have a battery of tests that will tell exactly where the mesothelioma is and what condition the body is in. There are a variety of options that may be presented to you. While treatments may appear similar to another person’s, I assure you no two treatment plans are the same.

Most often the hardest question asked is what do you want? As we sit in a generalized orientation meeting it is explained that this factor is just as important as any other medical decision. Some people despite how minimal or advanced their disease, want everything done. Other patients may take a different route and choose to take a more passive option. Emotionally this can be difficult. This question requires reflection and conversations with your loved ones. Most people who enter our center have decided they want some treatment but have no idea what their options are. There is no right or wrong answer, and everyone is entitled to make their own decision.

Everyone’s body is different, with its own strengths and weaknesses. This is another reason for all the tests that must be done. Each organ needs to be evaluated for the treatment plan. Some people feel that all of these tests are overkill. However, it is important to remember knowledge is power. Think of your body as a machine with its own assets. While nothing is one hundred percent guaranteed, the more information we have about your body the better we can devise a treatment plan. The other factor involves one’s mental state, what has this diagnosis done to you mentally? If your diagnosis has caused anxiety, restless nights, fear and worry, you are not alone. These emotions are real and can make you feel overwhelmed. Most comprehensive centers offer social workers, chaplaincy and psychiatrists. A serious illness like this can cause emotional issues and you are not alone. Researchers at Baylor University Medical Center have found that 77 percent of people with a terminal illness experience depression. Remember there is no right way to feel about your illness, but it is good to identify these emotions and share with people how you are feeling. Another feature of a comprehensive mesothelioma center is support groups. These centers often provide support groups related to your illness. There are other people who are going through what you are currently experiencing or have been through something similar.

At the end of the day one needs to know they made the best choices possible about their health. It really is about being comfortable about your decisions. Not everyone chooses to travel to a mesothelioma center and that is fine. Often people prefer to stay close to home because that is what works. As research and treatment options continue to progress hopefully the ingredients to a successful treatment plan will be shared and will be available to other areas of the medical community.

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